Monday, January 30, 2012

Weekend Review

Saturday was Morgan's turn to go skiing with Ryan, and goodness she was excited! She got a little nervous here and there, but she's getting the hang of it.

I cannot believe how much Morgan looks like me when I was her age...especially in this photo! She's my little mini-me!
While they were out skiing I tackled some of my projects. Slow going with three kids home, but at least I got started.

First up, recover the chairs in the kitchen. I found some fabric (wait, my friend totally found it and I was sold instantly), and bought new foam pads (which was the most expensive part!) and some clear vinyl go over it.

Before: ewww, so dirty!
I got crazy with a staple gun and voila!

I think it turned out pretty good...and hopefully my handy work will hold up! One down, now three more to go.

After I ran out of staples I moved on to another project: my curtains. Remember my failed curtain rod hanging session the other day? I CANNOT drill holes where I want the curtain rod...there must be some kind of metal in the wall blocking my path. So I decided to use the old holes that were already there to just hang the the meantime, I'll try to figure something out so I can have it they way I want it!

So, in this picture the rod is NOT where I would like it to be. I would like it hanging above the window several more inches. So, my curtains aren't hemmed yet...but you get the idea.

I'm thinking a blue-gray color for the walls. Slowly, but surely, I'll get there!

Sunday we celebrated Jeffy's birthday. I had a little family get together and served up some Parmesan chicken...oh, and we had a HUGE chocolate cake! Good times.

1 comment:

  1. I love both fabrics! The chairs turned out really well. I am lazy and instead of hemming the drapes I just keep raising the rod until the drapes are the right length.
