Monday, February 27, 2012

Birthday Weekend Review

My birthday weekend started off with some cake that came in the mail on Friday. Let me explain....when I was away in college my mom would send me a cake for my birthday. This company that she ordered it from would make the cake, and package it all up complete with big cake topper, candle and matches...everything you need to celebrate!

It was actually a bit nostalgic opening the box...I hadn't seen one of these cakes since college! I remembered Ryan and I sitting in my dorm room all those years ago with one of those cakes. He sang, I blew out the candle. Now, fast forward 10+ years and I'm celebrating with Ryan again...same cake, but this time with our four children around us! Crazy.

Saturday morning I hit up the Nordic Center for some more skiing. Just was wonderful!
Although, the conditions weren't all that great...pretty icy. And I've realized I feel much more confident with an instructor at my side. There wasn't a clinic this time so I was on my own...trying to practice what I learned the last time. I'm sure I looked pretty silly trying to skate ski up very steep hills...I was basically doing the "granny" walk up most of them. But, it felt good to get out and have some time to myself.

Sunday was my Birthday...I got to start it with a box of donuts and a cup (or maybe cups) of coffee. Perfect.

That evening we spent it at our friends house watching the Academy Awards. She made the most delicious dessert! They even sang to me! It was lovely!

In other news...Rory has decided that sleeping through the night is over rated and that 3 am is a good time for a meal. I however disagree.

She also discovered she has limbs! And sometimes if she's lucky she can get that hand in her mouth!

Also, last week she giggled for the first time! Music to my ears!

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