Monday, March 5, 2012

Dr. Seuss and Weekend Review

Friday was Dr. Seuss's Birthday...did you know that? If you have kids, then you probably did as it's becomes quite the celebration at schools. The kids can come dressed up to Dr. Seuss characters and such. I didn't stray too far from last years costume idea of Daisy Head Maisy...okay, I did exactly what I did last year. Except this year Morgan got to get in on it too!

Saturday morning I went to the ladies only ski clinic a the the Nordic Center...loved it! I think I found my new calling! Now, if I could just master going up hill...then I think I would love it even more!

Saturday evening Ryan was going to take both Haley and Morgan skiing. However, when they started to bicker and whine I was having second thoughts. It wasn't until Morgan started having a complete crying break down about her socks not going on right that we decided to nix the whole thing. Why pay money for an evening of complete hell...right? So, instead we went to the park for some sledding. Much better for all.

This picture cracks me up! She's saying "CHEESE"!

Enjoying the fire after sledding.

Sunday morning proved to be a much better time for Ryan to take the girls skiing. The had a ball! Both girls can pretty much hold their own now, which is nice for Ryan. At one point Haley took a path less traveled and got caught up in some trees and the snow patrol had to "rescue" her. Boy, is that something Haley would do or what?! Anyway, it was quite an adventure for her as she cannot stop talking about her experience on the back of a snowmobile!

I went for a walk with the little ones while they were skiing...did I mention the weather is amazing!! I have GOT to get more active, the scale went up a pound this week!! And if you know me, I will not cut out any sweets! I don't eat them that often, and I will not take away those little joys in my life! So, more exercise it is!

This is one of Haley's pictures I found on the camera. Cute.

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