Wednesday, March 21, 2012

When the husband is away...

...I watch girly shows.

Ryan left for Denver yesterday. I'm still suffering from my mystery left side pain ( I dying?) And so while at Costco, feeling sorry myself, I found this...and bought it in a heartbeat.
I've only watched one episode so far...but I think its safe to say that I pretty much love it already.

As far as my pain goes, we've come to the realization that it's not an infection. I'm being sent to a specialist. I'm extremely depressed about this, as this is really wearing me down. But I'll try to keep my chin up and stay positive...because honestly, I'm really scared about this pain. It's hard not to get all doom and gloom. It's been over a month!!! What can it be?!! I have another appointment next we go again.

In the meantime...I'll drown my sorrows in a little Downton Abbey.

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