Saturday, July 28, 2012

Birthday Party for the Girls

It's always hard having Haley and Morgan's birthday a week apart.  I never know how to celebrate.  One time we had a combined birthday party with a bunch of kids, but somehow most of them didn't get the memo that it was Morgan's party too and only Haley received gifts...that was a birthday fail!  

Another time I did two separate kid birthday parties a week apart for each of them.  That worked out well, except for the fact that it gets expensive buying different decorations for each party, different cake, etc, etc.  Plus, it's just plain exhausting for me.  

Then another time we had a combined kid birthday party, each of them inviting their own friends complete with different invitations (so there was no confusion about gift giving).  This would work, except that each girl didn't have the same number of friends that could come to the party.  One girl has 6 friends that were able to come and the other had maybe 4...then we have another problem with the kid has more than the other.  I know, I isn't fair and they need to learn this...blah, blah, blah.  But, I don't want to hear the complaining and yes, I try to make things as even as possible because why should I add chaos to my already chaotic life.  Believe me, they have plenty of other opportunities to learn that life isn't fair every other day of their lives!

So, this year...I wanted to keep things simple since we're having a big whoop-de-do for Haley's baptism next week and I just don't have the energy to have two big-whoop-de-do's for birthdays as well.  We decided to have a birthday outing to Build-a-Bear and they each got to bring a friend.  We loaded up the Burban with six little girls (thank heavens my mom came with me) and off we went!  The girls had a ball, and then we came back to the house for some lunch with cake and ice cream.  Perfect.

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