Friday, September 28, 2012

Kitchen Chalkboard Reveal...Finally!

So, remember several months ago when I told you how I was going to make a chalkboard in my kitchen...remember??  This was my inspiration.  She made it look so easy...and it probably would have been, but it seemed I ran into several little hic-ups.  But now...I'm proud to say I'm finally done (oh, soooo done) with this project!!  

The first issue was my wall.  I have VERY textured walls to begin with so I had to add a ton of spackle stuff (do you like technical lingo...I'm feeling pretty smart right now) and do a lot of sanding to get the wall smooth.  
Once it was smooth I added three coats of magnet paint and then three coats of chalkboard paint.  Then, we added the foam molding (my dad helped me with this part) and primed and painted it.  I had to hurry, because I wanted the wall done before Haley's baptism.  I didn't want people at my house seeing my unfinished wall.  

So, done??  Not yet.

Turned out, the surface was terribly porous...and I blame that on the magnet paint.  I hated that magnet paint!!  It's messy, it stinks and I think it made a crummy surface for the chalkboard paint...I would not use it again!
Once the girls started coloring on the board it was really hard to get it clean because the surface was so rough!
So back to the drawing board.  I sanded it down again...added more spackle stuff and then sanded some more.
I skipped the magnet paint this time and just painted three coats (again) of chalkboard paint.  Painted the molding (again) and then finished up the room with light yellow on the walls and crisp, clean white for the base board and door frames.

And this is the finished result.

I really like that it's done.  For a while there, I was hating this project!
Hopefully it's smooth enough now...but then, if it's not...well...oh well...I'm NOT redoing this project anytime soon!!

I'm done and DONE.

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