Monday, September 3, 2012

Weekend Storm

We had really good thunderstorm Saturday morning.
When I was nursing Rory at 4:30 in the morning I could hear it rolling in.  And then at about 5:30 it was right over was spectacular!  Nothing like a good thunderstorm and heavy rain outside to make me feel super cozy in my bed.  And we were extra cozy because we had Piper in bed with us...yeah, she's super scared of thunder.  But surprisingly, it didn't wake anybody else up.
I thought maybe we'd have all the kids in our room and it was going to turn into a scene from Sound of Music and I would have to start singing "These are a few of my favorite things..."  Except I can't sing and I don't all the words, so it would be more like, "Rain drops on roses and bloo, bloo, bloo, bloo, bloo...."  And that's just not as cute.  I'm more like, "Yeah, you can lay with me as long as you don't wiggle, don't talk, and don't touch me."  Aren't I nice?  Hey, I'll cuddle in the day...but at 5:30 in the morning I need sleep.

So anyway, this is a picture from our porch Saturday morning after the storm.
You can't really see it, but the mountains are covered with fall's beautiful!
 After lunch we decided to hit up the Swiss Days Festival in Midway...big mistake.  It was so crowded...and you know how I am with crowds...and then add four kids to the mix and I've just entered hell.  There was a huge line for the bathrooms...and like I said...with four kids we ended up spending more than our share at the bathrooms.  We actually ditched the festival and let the kids play at a playground nearby instead...which was much better!  And then another storm rolled in.  We took cover under a pavilion, but the  rain didn't stop Haley and Morgan...they got drenched and loved every bit of it!  

I actually captured some lightning in this picture...right above the tree on the left.

I would like to get back to Midway though when it's less crowded.  
It looks like a charming little town.

Now, it's all about enjoying our Labor Day...I think we'll just lay real plans and I kinda like it that way.

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