Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A few woes, lashes, and CA here we come!

This week's quote on the board.
 This quote is kinda for me.  I have a tendency to get discouraged easily when things get tough.  I've been feeling a little overwhelmed with a few hospital bills...remember our ordeal with Rory?  Yeah...after her being in two hospitals in a different state, and an ambulance ride...let me just say it wasn't cheap.  Plus, our COBRA is up in a couple of weeks and so we've been applying for new health insurance plans.  But so far I've been denied.  No one will take me because of my left side pain that I had in the spring.  It turned out to inflammation in my intestine...but since then everything is fine...all my tests have come out great.  Still, insurance companies won't take me.  I'm upset and extremely frustrated about it.  It just doesn't feel good to be rejected...especially when my health is perfect and I have the test results to prove it!!

Okay...enough of my woes and complaining.

 I admire Ryan for always having a very positive attitude when things don't always go as planned.  He always reminds me that hard times are temporary.  We'll get through whatever is thrown at us.  It just make take some time or perhaps a different route than what we wanted.

By the way...this has been on my mind since I posted about my lashes.  I had no idea that to get lashes done it could run someone up to 90-100 dollars!!  I DID NOT pay that!  I have a friend who does them...she did them for 20 dollars.  And no, I cannot get you that deal so don't even ask me.  Okay...I feel better.

In other news, we leave for CA tomorrow.  Ryan gets home tonight so I've got to make sure I"m on the ball with all the packing and cleaning.  The girls are just over the moon about going on a little trip!

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