Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Few Thoughts

* I had a dream last night that Ryan and I visited the college we went to way back when.  While there (in my dream) we took a picture of us kissing on the bottom step of the long stair case that led to my dorm room.  The exact same place that we had our very first kiss.  I like that idea.  I think if we ever do get back to the Hoosier state and visit our school I'm totally going to make sure we get that picture!

* I think I'm going to start the process of weaning Rory.  She doesn't know it yet, but I think I'm going to try dropping her afternoon nurse session today.  It's the most hectic time of day with kids coming home from school, homework, and trying to make dinner.  So yeah, we'll see how that goes.  I'm not sure how I feel about yet...a little sad, but excited too.  I've either been pregnant or nursing for the last three years...I'm ready to have my body back.  I have a hunch that she won't be easy to wean.  She still likes to have a nurse session at 3:30 in the morning.  That's going to be a hard one to break her of!

* I've gained three pounds since the last time I weighed myself (it's probably been a few weeks).  I know it's not much, but no one ever wants to see the scale go up!  And you know what?  I blame it on quitting coffee. Seriously.  Coffee kept my appetite in check, and it kept me moving throughout the day.  So yeah, total bummer.  In other news, I may be doing some more mountain biking next year...as in racing.  We'll see.  But with more skiing this winter (hopefully) and perhaps some mountain biking next year, I'll get myself in some sort of shape again.

* Haley and Morgan both refer to combs or hair brushes as a "comb-brush".  Yes, as in "I can't find the comb-brush!!"  When they were younger Ryan and I would correct them, "No, it's just a brush."  But, they never got it. Ryan and I don't correct them anymore because honestly we kinda like it.  Ryan and I have even used that term.  "Haley, get your comb-brush and comb your hair!"  I guess it may be a problem when they're older...I suppose I'll wait til then to do something about it.

We carved our pumpkins last night.  Pictures to come!

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