Thursday, December 20, 2012

Early Christmas Presents...again!

At the rate we're going these kids aren't going to have anything left to go under the tree!
Well...there is something super duper special that Haley and Morgan have been asking for that just may be under the tree this year.  (They've been wanting it for a few years now).
But it's super top you'll have to wait to find out what it is!

Their early gift this time...skis!!  Ryan picked them up yesterday and with the snow being so good we didn't want the girls to wait any longer to try them out!  So we surprised them with the skis this morning and they hit the slopes right after.  Ryan took them today and they had a ball!  I think tomorrow I'll take will be the first time that I've seen them ski on anything beside the bunny hill!  I can't wait!
And we couldn't leave little Piper out!
She also got a little pair of kid skis that strap onto her boots.  She was pretty thrilled!

We really made out with REI sales this year...we got some smokin' deals!

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