Monday, January 7, 2013

Weekend Review

Belle makes a good pillow...and she looks pretty thrilled about it too.

Saturday I had the opportunity to hit up 3B Yoga.  Now first off, I've never done yoga before and frankly I just assumed I wouldn't like it.  I admit...I prejudged it.  I thought it would be too slow (boring), not a good enough workout, I thought I wouldn't have any patience for the meditation portion of it, and basically just be surrounded by hippies.  I also counted myself out because I'm not at all flexible and I would be super frustrated the entire time and people would snicker at me because I wouldn't be able to do any of the poses correctly...or so I thought.

I was wrong...oh so wrong.  It was a great workout first of all!  And honestly, I think the meditation portion is good for me.  The idea to sit and just breath and NOT think about all the things I need to do, or the errands I need to run, or the meals I need to cook, and so on...well, much easier said than done!  But I think it's important to help me recharge and feel I'm going to keep working on it.  Oh...and no one laughed at fact I felt pretty darn comfortable considering what a newbie I was.  

Also this weekend I took the girls skiing.  I wanted another go at it since our last ski outing was such a disaster.  And I'm happy to report that we had a blast!  In fact they said numerous times that "it was their best day EVER!".  Wow.  The temperatures at the resort were about 10-15 degrees warmer than at home, thanks to the lovely inversion we're getting in the valley.  You know it's pretty darn cold out when 30 degree temps are a welcome sight!  But yeah, so skiing...I am just so darn proud of my girls!  Haley has pretty much no fear and will take on about anything.  And she loves finding all the little of shoots and trails..but then she's always been one to travel off the beaten path.  And Morgan was taking on more challenging runs, even though she was a bit tentative, and she ended up excelling on all of them!  She took the lead every time.  

Being a parent reaches a whole new level when you can start sharing these types of activities with your kids and they can hold their own.  It's just such a joy to not only watch them, but be right there with them as they zoom down the mountain.  Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with them as they get older!

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