Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Are you kidding me?!!!


If you haven't seen the last episode of Downton Abbey, than what ever you do, DO NOT read this post!
Spoiler alert for sure!

I'm so mad at the writers of the show...how could they...and why?  WHY?!

I'm still in mourning over the death of Lady Sybil, and now they kill off yet ANOTHER beloved character?!
Is it so wrong to be able to see a young family get started with their new little baby?  In both cases, tragedy hit hours after they had their baby.  And both families were so in love...so excited for the next stage of their lives.  I'm so sad.  Poor Matthew...and his poor family.

And why do we have to endure two tragedies in one season?!  We can only handle so much people!!!

So, here is what we learned about living in this time period...DO NOT have children!  You or someone you love dearly will die just hours after you give birth.  

Edith...you have been warned!


  1. OMG I watched this last night and couldn't believe it! So depressing, especially after sweet Sybil died!

    But I found out the reason why the writer killed him off... The actor who plays Matthew was going to leave the show so the writer didn't have an option. He said he would have kept him alive if he would have stayed (he did try to persuade him). So it's the actors fault! Jerk!

  2. How dare he!!! The grief he has caused me!!!
