Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I had a nice relaxing evening for my birthday.
Haley kept asking, "Where is everyone for the party?"  I had to explain that WE were the party...and that's all I needed.  

I've been thinking a lot about marriage and family lately and the importance of these two things together.  I feel so blessed to have a wonderful, loving husband.  I get to go to sleep and wake up everyday with my best's a nice feeling.  And my darling girls...oh, how lucky I am to be their mom!  These are gifts that I was given, and I'm going to hold them tight.  

That evening our dear neighbors stopped by with a special gift for me.
A Gratitude journal.

I've had my eye on this journal too, so I was especially happy to get it.
Every page is blank except for in the corner of every page there is a quote.  I have a feeling that many of these quotes will make it to the chalkboard for all to see.  They're just so good.

I think it's important to record what we're grateful for everyday.  And it doesn't have to be anything elaborate, it could be as simple as getting outside and feeling the fresh air on our face.  Remember, it's the little things that sometimes bring us so much joy.  
But yesterday, especially, I was grateful for my family...they bring me by far the most joy and happiness!

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