Thursday, February 21, 2013

Haley Cooks Dinner

Haley came home from school yesterday chomping at the bit to make dinner herself.  Trying to appease her I told her she could make mac and cheese (from the box).  Ryan is out of town this week so our  meals are a bit more casual.  Anyway, she didn't go for it.  "No mom!!  I want to MAKE something with more ingredients!"  She immediately started flipping through my cookbooks.  I started to get nervous about what she may pick out, and the fact that I really didn't want to tackle this task of her cooking in the kitchen at that moment.  All I could envision was a whole lot of work for me that I hadn't anticipated with Ryan being out of town and all.  I started preparing myself to have to shut her down and say the dreaded "No, not today."  

But before I could say anything she found a recipe on making homemade pasta...she was SO excited.  "This is it!!  This is what I want to make!!"  For the record, I have NEVER made homemade pasta before.  Actually, I take that back.  I did make homemade egg noodles for soup once, but they didn't come out so good.  The idea of making homemade pasta seemed daunting, but she was so I said yes and hoped for the best.

She pretty much did everything!  She read the cookbook, found the ingredients and the measuring cups.  The only thing I helped her with was kneading the dough...but that was pretty tough so I don't blame her.  

So, when it came time to roll out the dough I remembered that I actually own one of those pasta making thingys!  We actually got it for a wedding present nearly 14 years ago!!  I'm embarrassed to admit that I had never used be honest, I was a bit intimidated by it.  So anyway, I found that bad boy, cleaned off all the dust and gave it go.  I love it!!!  Haley had a ball rolling out the dough, it made things so much easier!

Not bad, huh?

I love Haley's enthusiasm for everything.  She gets an idea in her head and just has to do it right away...waiting to do something "tomorrow" is just torture for her.  She's a self starter.  I love that about her.  But I find that more times than not I have to say no because it's just not realistic for that day.  Like for her wanting to go the Animal Museum at 6 in the evening...I just can't do that.  Or her waking up and NEEDING to take the dogs for a walk when it's a blizzard outside.  What?!  Or wanting to do a very complicated craft right before bed.  Basically, she probably hears "no" a lot.  

But not yesterday.  She pushed me out of my basic routine and she took me out of my "comfort zone" cooking wise.  I need that sometimes.  Kids keep us on our toes, and help us to live in the moment. 

The time right after school and right before dinner is the witching hour for moms.  It's usually the craziest time of day.  But for what ever reason I said yes to her crazy idea.  I'm so glad...we had so much fun!  It's funny how we need our children just as much as they need us!  They help us find joy in the most unexpected times.  

And while we were busy making pasta the rest of the house went to crap.  I pretty much expected that to happen.  So while Haley and I were making memories in the kitchen...

Piper got into the bread and helped herself.  Notice the towels all over my floor...they pretty much stay there.  The joys of living with a 1 year old.

Rory got into the homework/craft/random things drawer.  And with that egg carton sitting there it looks as though she may have gotten into the recycling too.

 Basically a big mess in every room.

But the pasta was delicious!
Haley has now become our pasta making master.  She'll need to do again for Ryan when he get's home.


  1. So awesome! Im so proud of Miss Haley!

  2. Ok, homemade pasta is my nemesis (I always fail and make a mess with the machine that rolls out the dough) and I just love that Haley came home and decided to make it for dinner without the slightest hesitation. Can she come to my house and show me what to do? And kudos to you for being such a patient and supportive mom!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. So cute and impressive! Yay Haley!!!
