Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Ottoman Overhaul

This is what our ottoman looked liked before.  Sadly, the cushions on our sofa are close to looking the same way...luckily, we can flip those suckers over and no one can see what a sad state they're in.  Remember this post...one day, I'll get that new sofa, promise.  But anyway...with the ottoman, something needed to be done!  

So...here it is before (I know, just pathetic).
See those little holes in the foam pad...those are from little kid fingers.  So fun.  Now if I would have known how expensive foam pads were I would have saved that baby!  I spent $50 on a new one.  Sheesh!
 First thing first, I took it all apart.  The only thing I saved was the piece of black fabric on the bottom to hide the wood.

I bought a new foam pad...the most expensive part of this project...ouch.  Unfortunately, I had to cut it to size. They suggested I use a serrated knife, which I did, but the results were terribly jagged.  Luckily, that doesn't really matter since it will be covered with a layer of batting and the new fabric.  

Stapled everything down.  I went with the folded corners to avoid any sewing.  But I think the look would have been much cleaner if I sewed panels like the original had.  Oh well.  Then I attached the black piece of fabric on the bottom.

Screwing on the legs was actually the worst part as a couple of screws are stripped or something (I just can't seem to get them in).  So, I'm not exactly sure how long this "new" piece of furniture will last in a household with four wild kids...but, we'll put it to the test!

The finished result!

It has a few puckers here and there so it's certainly not perfect.
But I'm pretty happy with it!

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