Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hey Rory, how do you feel about getting a shot?

That's what I thought.

Yeah, so Rory had her 15 month check-up this morning.  We had to wait for the doctor about 40 minutes past what a toddler and one year old can handle.

I had to pull out all my tricks to keep them entertained.  
Today I'm grateful for my iphone, which helped keep smiles on their faces.  We may have had a bit too much fun with it.

Everything looked great...except for the part that she may be allergic to peanuts.  Gosh, I really hope not!  We eat a ton of peanut butter in this house!  I mean, come on!  A PB and J is a mom's best friend!!

Her stats still show that she's a light weight...what's new?

Weight: 18 lbs  8th percentile
Height: 29.5 inches  16th percentile

But she's healthy and happy and that's what counts!

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