Monday, April 29, 2013

Weekend Review

We were able to get half the garden planted this last weekend!  The corn, lettuce and carrots are in!  I'm going to hold off planting our tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers until around May 15th, that apparently is the "safe time" for planting those.  I really hope we get a good crop this year!

The weather was amazing and the girls spent hours and hours playing outside, which I love!  Them tracking  mud and dirt into the house ...I don't love so much.

Haley has read both Sarah, Plain and Tall and the sequel, Skylark recently.  So on Saturday we hit up the library for books and checked out the movies for a family movie night...more like movie weekend.  Saturday night we watched the first one.  Sunday afternoon we watched the second.  

It's been years since I've watched these movies...and years later I still love them!  In Skylark the family endures a major drought and nearly have to leave the farm in search of water.  For most of the movie the family is always dripping with sweat, baking in the sun.  Haley says during the show, "This movie just makes me thirsty!"

Today is in the 70's!!  Just beautiful!  Happy Monday!

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