Friday, June 21, 2013

Morgan and her shoes.

Morgan has always been very particular how things fit her...especially, her shoes.  I bought her a pair of little pink sneakers at some point during the Winter (low top converse that she tried on and told me they were great and she loved them!).  However, she went from loving them to hating them in the matter of a few days, and I kid you not, every single morning that she wore them ended in tears!  She claimed that every time she wore them it felt as though her heal was going to come out because they were so low on her foot.  She would insist that we tighten them as tight as they would go to assure her that her feet would not come out!  

So anyway, one morning during one of her fits, I told her that I was going to buy her a pair of shoes that laced up to her knees!!  But her reaction wasn't what I thought it was going to be!  As soon as I said that, she immediately says, "Okay...let's buy those!".  I had to explain that I was joking, and that wasn't very practical.  

Now, let's face forward several months to today.  Today was finally the day that I needed to buy her new tennis shoes...we'll be doing some hiking this weekend and didn't want to hear her fits...and plus, I know for sure she's outgrown her old ones.  So while driving to the store she says, "Mom, remember when you said you would buy shoes that laced up to my knees?!  I really want to get a pair!!".  Surprised that she even remembered (kids have the best memory don't they?) I again explained that they don't have shoes like that and that I was kidding.  

Once at the store we searched the racks to find the perfect pair of shoes.  And low and behold, you'll never guess what I found on the top shelf!
You better believe I left those babies right there on that top shelf completely out of Morgan's vision!

I did end buying her a pair of high top chucks though, and she was happy with that.

This weekend Ryan is racing and then we're packing up for an overnight camp trip!  The girls have been itching to go for a great long while!!  This will mark the first camp trip with four kids...wish us luck!

Happy Weekend!

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