Monday, July 22, 2013

New Mud Room....Finally.

 Okay, remember way back when I shared that I was converting one of my accordion door pantries into a "mud room"?!  Well, I finally finished!!  I admit that when my dad went back to Long Beach the project sat untouched for weeks and weeks!  All I had to do was sand, paint, and install the hooks...but for whatever reason I just never got to it.  Well, over the weekend I finally decided enough was enough and it needed to get done!  So while Ryan took the girls to the river Saturday afternoon I cranked out the last and final details!  Hallelujah!

Let's take a look back at where I started.  

We ripped out all the shelves and my dad built two boxes that became the bench and storage under.

We added bead board above the bench, molding, hooks and a new shelf for storage.
And then I painted everything a bright, crisp white...and ta da!!

Now I need to get some baskets for shoes and I want to have baskets for storage on the shelf and then it will be fully functional!

A before and after.
There is still a long way to go in the laundry room: painting the cabinets and the walls, but this is a big step!!   I'm so happy with the way it turned out!

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