Monday, July 15, 2013

The Crusher

 We spent the weekend about 30 minutes up the canyon outside Beaver at a ski resort called Eagle Point.  It was beautiful there!!  We arrived Friday late afternoon and Ryan raced first thing Saturday morning in The Crusher.  This race is insane!!  It's half on the road and half on the dirt so cross or mountain bikes are used and the elevation is over 10,000 feet at the finish.  It's a really, really tough race!  I'm so proud of Ryan for doing it!  And I might add, he didn't do too shabby for a first timer!

Coming in to the finish.  This is Ryan's hurtin' face.
Dang, he looks good!  Am I right or am I right?

As the racers were coming in Haley took it upon herself to pass out the water, sodas and some food.  She would go up them and ask them what their "order" was and then she would run and get it.
 The entire time we were at the finish line Morgan and a group of kids made a bridge over a little ditch.  Pretty impressive...although, I wouldn't walk on it if I were you!
 And Piper found a mud puddle of course.

It's a pretty spectacular race and who knows, this may be a new tradition for us!

I'll post more pictures of our weekend tomorrow!
Happy Monday!

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