Monday, August 19, 2013

Backyard Campout

Friday we had this brilliant idea to do another overnight camp out...kind of an impromptu decision.  We threw our gear in the car, I packed a little picnic dinner and headed up the mountain.  Well, I guess a lot of people had the same idea...the campground was full.  We went to another campground close by, but unfortunately it was full too.  We were all bummed out.  Although, Morgan quickly changed her mind and was glad that it was full after we ran into a rattlesnake feet away from the campsites!!  (I was kinda glad too that we weren't camping after seeing that).  We watched it slither up the rock steps into the doubt getting ready to pounce some poor child running through the woods.  Just kidding...but seriously.

Do you see it?

So before heading back down the mountain we decided to go to Squaw Peak lookout to eat our dinner and watch the sunset.  We had no idea, but this lady sitting close by with her husband snapped a couple pictures of us while we ate.  She later emailed them to me.

It's looks so peaceful doesn't it?  However, most likely at this moment the kids are complaining about the sandwiches I made.  But is sure was a pretty view!

 So the kids were pretty bummed out that the camping didn't work out.  To cheer them up we made Root Beer Floats when we got home and pitched the tent in the backyard.  Sleep was limited...very limited.  But the kids were happy.

Morning in the tent.

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