Tuesday, August 6, 2013

CA Trip Part I: The Cabin

Let me first say that Haley indeed get her cast (waterproof cast) before our departure!  The doctor looked over her X-ray and said that it was a pretty significant buckle fracture and will need the cast for the next four weeks.  However, it did not slow her down on the trip!  I'm sure it's full of sand and moss from all the lake and ocean swimming...should be a treat when they take it off!
 We started our trip by driving to Lake Arrowhead where my family owns a cabin.  I spent many childhood trips there so I was looking forward to taking the girls there.

Our drive out there took a full 12 hours...and I wish I could say that it was uneventful...but, is it ever with four children?!  At one point outside of Vegas, in the middle of nowhere (aka: Hell on Earth) Rory decided to throw up all over herself.  Yeah...not cool.  So we pull into this casino/gas station to clean her up.  I change her clothes and the only cleanser they sold was 409...so I used that to clean the seat as best I could.  But no matter hard I scrubbed and sprayed it still wreaked of barf...so that made a not so pleasant rest of the drive.

And then about 30 minutes from our destination (about that point when we all really, REALLY want to get out of the car and away from each other), the traffic abruptly comes to a stand still.  Turns out a motorcycle crashed and it was pretty gory as two people flew off and died on the scene.  We showed up less than 10 minutes after the accident happened as they weren't even police there yet. We decided to get the girls out of there and took the long way up the other side of the mountain.  It made for a very somber drive after that.

But we did make it!  Eventually!

The next four days were filled with hiking, swimming in the lake and kayaking.  Oh, and I went on a bike ride in there too with my dad around Big Bear Lake!  It was a lot of fun and I looking forward to going back!

The second half of our trip we spent in Long Beach...post on that to come!

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