Thursday, August 22, 2013

This can't be happening.

You won't believe this...but Haley is home sick.  Yep, on the second day of school.

We went out for ice cream last night to celebrate their first day of school and just as we were pulling into the parking spot, Haley says, "I feel like I might throw up."  WHAT?!!!  Ten minutes earlier she was running around and playing non stop...what happened in that short drive to the ice cream place?  Well, we cut our outing short and took everyone home.  And threw up she did...three times in fact.

I'm pretty depressed.  I feel like our family deals with so much illness.  And of course I start to blame myself...prehaps I don't clean well enough or something.  I know that can't really be it, but come on...can't we have a break?!!  Are we cursed?

So with my wallowing I'm cleaning like a crazy lady today.

Of course Haley woke up feeling fine this morning and she's been playing all day, so at least it's a short lived illness.

But's so frustrating.

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