Monday, September 16, 2013

Weekend Review and Girls Day Out

Look at those faces!  I may be biased, but I think Ryan and I make some pretty cute kids!!

Speaking of Ryan...he left to Vegas Friday morning so I've been on my own for the past few days and will continue to be on my own until Friday late.  Things have been going pretty well so far...we hit up the library and Chalk the Block Saturday.  Oh and Saturday night I put the little ones to bed and then Haley, Morgan and I stayed up late watching the first half of Anne of Green Gables!  We made popcorn and everything!!  So fun!  We just recently finished reading the book.  They seemed to really enjoy the movie...I think we'll watch the second half of the movie Friday night.

On Sunday we hit up church and then hung out at home the rest of the day.

Today was my good friend's birthday and to celebrate her husband rented a convertible mustang, and then two other friends and I drove it to her house, handed her the keys and kidnapped her for the was a total surprise!  We drove to Salt Lake and shopped at Sephora (I even splurged and bought myself the Urban Decay Basics Palette...something I NEVER do).  And then we drove back to Happy Valley and up the Canyon to have lunch at Sundance.  It was such a fun girls day out!! What a great way to celebrate a birthday!  And thanks to her husband who watched my kids for the entire time!

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