Friday, November 22, 2013


Kinda lost it this afternoon.  Fridays are early out for the kids...they get out at 1:30 which makes it a bit tricky when it comes to Rory's nap schedule.  I normally lay her down at 12:30, but on Friday's I have to keep her awake so I can walk to pick the kids up at 1:30.  By the time I get home around  2:00 I can lay her down then.  But as you can imagine, she's hanging on by a thread as soon as 1:00 rolls around.  Today she fell asleep as soon as I put her in the stroller...this is NOT good...transferring a sleeping kid from the stroller into the crib is risky and I may lose her nap altogether!  

So already I was grumpy by the time I got the kids.  And of course Piper wanted to ride her two wheel which makes things a little cumbersome when crossing the streets and I have to help her on and off all the while I'm trying to rush so I can get Rory back home ASAP!  Well, I wasn't fast enough and Rory perked up, wide awake by the time I pulled the stroller into the driveway....NOOOOOOO!  I laid her down in her crib anyway and just hoped she would decide to go back to sleep.  I really wanted my break!  She cried out for about 10 minutes...but thankfully, she fell asleep.  

I got lucky today.  

Isn't in funny how us moms live for nap time?  Our whole world revolves around that one break in the middle of the day...and we do anything we can to make sure we get it!  Like driving with the windows open even it's 40 degrees outside...I may or may not have done this one a few times.  Aaaahhh, aren't kids so fun?

Piper playing in the leaves last week.

Tomorrow I have another meeting for ski school.  Perhaps there will be more people in my age group this time??  Then we're packing up on Sunday for our trek to Sedona on Monday!

Happy weekend ya'll!

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