Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Sedona Thanksgiving 2013

Last week we celebrated Thanksgiving in Sedona with the grandparents.  The weather was lovely and we were able to squeeze in a lot of fun outings.  It was almost close to a perfect trip, but then Ryan had to go and get sick Tuesday night with the throw ups...that wasn't so cool.  But then, it's really not a family trip unless someone gets sick or goes home with stitches.  I'm learning to roll with it.  Although, that didn't keep me from being on high alert the rest of the week, waiting for those dreaded words, "Mommy, my stomach hurts."  But fortunately, after Ryan made a quick recovery the rest of stayed healthy and happy.  I call that a win!  

Courthouse hike.

Ryan and I got out for a couple of rides together too!

Red Rock Crossing hike.

West Fork Hike.

Feeding the ducks at Talaquepacque.

It was a really fun and relaxing week!  And Grandma Sandy cooked up a stellar Thanksgiving feast!

Now today we woke up to the snow plows in full force!  We are getting quite the dumping of snow today, and it's still coming down!  There must be over a foot out there already!   Ski season here we come!

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