Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Finally some fresh snow!

 It's been a couple weeks since the last snow fall, so waking up to fresh powder today was a welcome sight!  And I'm happy to report that it's still coming down!  It's a good thing too, it was getting pretty icy up at Sundance.  I memorized where every single ice patch was on the main ski run as to not let any little newbies hit it...isn't that nice of me?

Anyway, we are back on a schedule after our two week break.  The girls started school Monday and my work at Sundance has slowed down...I'm now only there three days a week.  My parents have also gone back to Long Beach...why they'd rather be at the beach than in all this snow is beyond me!  Snowbirds...pfff!
Poor Belle.
Her face says it all, "Save me...please!".

After two weeks of being Mr. Mom while I was working...this guy was pretty giddy about getting back to work.

Happy Hump Day!

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