Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wednesday Woes

First off...look at this.
That, my friends, is my carpet at the bottom of my staircase.  And yes, that would be a hole in it.  We have a certain dog to thank for this one.  Oh my, I cannot even tell you how furious I was...and still am for that matter!  That dog is lucky to still be living.  We have had our dogs in the house in the Winter for a couple of years now...they have never ruined anything thus far.  And then yesterday we let them in for the night and after only 15 minutes I hear a suspicious chewing noise...15 minutes people!!  I run to check it out...and yep, there's Etta...caught her red handed!  I could have strangled that dog!!  Needless to say they were banished outside last night.

And then about noon today I get a phone call from Morgan at school.  She's not feeling well so I go to pick her up.  As soon as we walk out the front doors of the school she says she thinks she's going to throw up.  I quickly turn her toward the flower beds and yep, she throws up...right into the wood chips.  People were coming and going passing us while I'm standing there holding my kids hair back while she barfs...lovely.  "Don't mind us people...just a kid barfing here...keep walking."

She's all cuddled up watching a movie now...poor little thing.

I'm hoping that since she missed the last time everyone was sick with a stomach bug, perhaps she's just paying her dues now?  Seriously, she was the only who didn't catch it last Fall.  Time will tell.

But that doesn't stop Piper from acting sick today.
As soon as I got Morgan all tucked and cozy on the couch, Piper starts in.  "I don't feel well either, I need my blankets too."  We'll see how long this little act lasts...funny girl.

So there you have woes for a Wednesday.  Oh, and I forgot to mention that it's raining in the Valley today too...boooo!

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