Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ever wonder...

...what ski instructor's have in their pockets?
I know you're dying to know, so I'll go ahead and tell you.
I cleaned my jacket out the other day and this is what I found...

A bag of goldfish. (Incentives/snacks for the kids)
A bunch of Kleenex. (I've had to wipe more kids' noses than my own.)
Two old ski lift passes.
6 zip ties.
A handful of foamy animal stickers.
My progression check off sheet.
An old class list.
Safety and Responsibility Cards.
My employee ID.
4 Edgie Wedgies.
1 tootsie roll. (I ate this one after a snapped the photo.)
1 starburst.
5 old candy wrappers. (Kids ate these pieces...honest.)
1 Beanie (not pictured).

There, don't you feel better now that you know?

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