Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Ski Clinic

Last Saturday my brother, Jeff, and I went to an all day ski clinic that our supervisors held for any instructors that wanted to attend...a great opportunity to improve my skills...which I might add, I need!  We were lucky because our group ended up being nice and small.  There was a photographer that tagged along snapping tons of photos and we were also filmed so that we could actually see ourselves in action and pinpoint changes we needed to make to our skiing.  I try not to be hard on myself, this is just my first season.  But it's hard when I can't seem to break some of my bad habits and it can get quite frustrating for me.  I'll keep working on it!

But the days that I get to step away from the norm (doing a backwards wedge with a five year old on the tow rope all day) and actually SKI is so fun!!

With a few of my colleagues on the summit of back mountain.

Me skiing down Bishop's Bowl.  
Most likely what I'm thinking..."Don't fall.  Don't fall.  Don't fall."

Jeff's turn.  
Jeff is quite good I might add...one of the best on the mountain!  
Maybe some day I'll be able to ski like him.

So tomorrow I'm going to Deer Valley in Park City to test for my Level 1 for PSIA (Professional Ski Instructors of America).  I'm a little bit nervous about it, even though everyone assures me I'll do fine.
Wish me luck!

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