Monday, July 28, 2014

Lake Arrowhead: Part I

We're back from our 10 day adventure to Lake Arrowhead, CA.  This seems to be the new destination for the second year in a row.  The family cabin (or lodge as my kids call it) accommodates more people quite a bit easier than my parents' house in the LBC, and since my children are getting bigger, things were getting pretty Lake Arrowhead it is!  We have a pretty plush set up I must say, as my family gets to take over the master suite!  Not only is the bedroom quite large it also has a massive office that fits three twin beds (and a pack and play for Rory) with room to spare for our kids.  And we have a large bathroom to ourselves!  Not too shabby if I do say so!  

But like always, the hardest part is the drive there.  Rory only had one moment of panic when she had to go potty and we were no where close to a bathroom.  Luckily, I had a Pull-Up on hand and stuck that on her just in case she couldn't hold it.  I'm happy to report that she was able to keep it dry and made it to a bathroom.  No side of the road squats needed on this trip!  Progress!  
 I downloaded some music for the kids to help make the drive a little smoother...I think it worked.  Some favorites of theirs: Taylor Swift (You Belong with Me), Shakira (Waka Waka), Katy Perry (Roar),What does the Fox say?, and of course anything Frozen.  I also introduced them to joys of Weird Al Yankovic.  

But any who...we made it in one piece.  And once there, our days looked liked this:
Really made the drive worth it!  
I think we got lake time just about every day we were there.  So nice!

Also, that first weekend we were there we celebrated my brother, Andrew's birthday!
Welcome to 30 somethings club Andrew!

Then, on Monday, around 4:30 in the morning we woke up to loud scratching in the if a bear were clawing up a tree trunk.  It was loud!!  While the girls were still asleep, my parents, Andrew, Ryan and I used a flashlight out the window to try to spot it.  But although we could still hear it, we couldn't see it!!  So finally, as it was getting light we decide to poke around outside to investigate.  (We were pretty sure it ran off since we couldn't hear it anymore)  We looked all around right beside our cabin to find any traces of it...but nothing.  Right about the time we were going to give up and go back inside my mom spots it right above our heads in a pine tree!!  It had been watching us the entire time!!  Of course we hustle back into the house (by this point all the girls are up) and watch it from the safety of the cabin.  We had a perfect view from our bedroom window.

There he is...nice and comfortable about 60 feet off the ground.

He got real comfortable, in fact, he even fell asleep up there (we watched with some binoculars).  And then after about 4 hours being up there, he very calmly climbed down and lumbered off.

I have been going to Lake Arrowhead since I was just a kid...and not once have any of us seen a bear.  Let alone a bear right next to the cabin!!  So it was a very exciting way to start the day!!  

Haley kept saying, "Wow!  A bear in his actual habitat!!".  

And the bear sighting just so happened to land on the morning of my mom's birthday!!  A birthday that will no doubt be one for the books!!

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