Monday, August 18, 2014

Last day of summer.

Last night, walking to grandmas's house.  Of course we have to stop and visit the horses.

So, this is it.  The last day of summer.  As of tomorrow morning it's back to getting the girls up at 7:00 (and me too)...back to packing lunches, homework, and earlier bedtime (that also goes for me too!).  

I'm ready, but I'm not ready...does that make sense?  It's time for the kids to back to a normal routine, but to be honest I'm not ready to stick to a normal routine...and I'm not ready for homework!!!  Oh the homework!!

But the kids are excited...although that wasn't the case two weeks ago when Morgan cried for an hour because summer was almost over.  But now that she has new school school outfits and new school supplies, she has since changed her mind and is now excited for a new school year.  That's good because I really don't want any tears on the first day of school!  

We have back to school night this evening, and even Piper is meeting her new preschool teacher this afternoon.  She also starts tomorrow!  She is thrilled!

Photos to come!  Happy Monday!

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