Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Our MLK day.

Yesterday afternoon marks a very monumental occasion…we got this little one (Rory) on skis!  Which means our entire family was skiing at the same time!  It was awesome!  It's a really great thing when our family hits a mile stone.  Ryan was skiing the mountain with Piper.  Haley and Morgan stayed together and skied on their own and would meet back up with Rory and me on the rope tow every now and then.

But yeah, I'm so proud of Rory!  We still have a bit of work to do as all she wants to do is zoom down the hill with straight skis…doesn't like stopping and doesn't like being helped (she's a stubborn one).  One good fall and she'll change her mind, but I opted to keep her safe and everyone around her for that matter as she was ready to plow into anything in front of her!  We'll keep working on that whole stopping thing again…she'll get it eventually!  But it was so fun to watch all the other girls cheer her on and encourage her.  Why can't they be nice like that all the time to each other?!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Happy Tuesday!

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