Thursday, April 16, 2015

Spring Break Part I: Easter

 Road Trip!

This year for Spring Break we drove to CA...Lake Arrowhead to be exact.  We met up with my parents and my brothers Jeffy and Andrew to celebrate Easter the day after we arrived.  The drive went very well on the way there...very little fighting between the girls, Rory took a two hour nap, and there were quiet segments when all the girls were reading or was quite nice!  

We arrived Saturday evening and the next morning the girls hunted for their Easter baskets!

Pretty much all I remember Sunday is eating a massive breakfast, an epic Easter Egg hunt in the woods and an outstanding dinner!  The egg hunt was pretty top notch as my parents set up a separate egg hunt for just us adult cards and straight up cash for those who found the special sparkle eggs!  Oh yeah, it got competitive!  But even with my hip checks to the guys, and diving into the bushes for all my eggs, alas,  I did not find one sparkle egg...sad face.  Next year, I'll be stepping up my game!

 That evening after dinner the girls opened their traditional Easter balls that my mom makes for them.

 I think I've explained it before, but basically it's crepe paper wrapped with little trinkets and toys spread throughout, and then in the center a huge egg with a surprise inside.  So they have to be careful when unwrapping...if they go too fast they may miss something!  They look forward to these every year!

Monday we hiked to the Village and then prepped for camping for the following day.
Camping in Anza Borrego to come!

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