Sunday, May 31, 2015

Last Friday

For the first day of summer break I started the day going on a ride up South Fork.  I started the ride alone but then met up with my dad on the way home.   As we were riding home we found a deer caught in between to fence posts.  It was a miracle we even saw it as it was hidden behind the brush off the path.  It was very much alive but as you can see, it was really stuck!  Can you see it behind me?

 We called the police who then alerted the DWR to come to the scene.  We heard that they were in fact able to get it out and it ran off...lucky deer.

Then later that afternoon the little ones, Ryan and I headed up to Salt Lake for a crit. Ryan raced in.  Haley and Morgan stayed with their grandparents for a sleep over.
 However, the sleep over got cut short...while we were driving home from the race we got a call from my mom that Morgan got hurt.  While Morgan and Haley were playing in the yard Morgan got her feet pulled out from under her and she smacked her head face first onto the cement.  Apparently it was quite a scene with enormous amounts of mom had to handle all the dirty work at getting her nose to stop bleeding which is good because I probably would have fainted if I had been there.

Ryan and I got home, he stayed home with the little ones while I took Morgan to the urgent care to get her nose checked out.  However, they suggested that I either take her to the ER or wait until the swelling goes down and take her back in.  She said the ER would probably suggest that anyway.  So that's what we did.  I'll take her in Monday to get it checked out again.  This time I'll take her to her pediatrician and maybe they'll refer me to a nose, ear, throat specialist...and we'll go from there.

What a way to start the summer!

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