Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Dishwasher woes.

I hate my dishwasher, I have always hated my dishwasher since the day we moved in.  I would replace it if it was that simple. But I quickly realized why the previous owners chose a double drawer dishwasher...because a regular door dishwasher would never be able to open all the way because it would bang into the oven.  You see, they picked the wrong oven for that space, it doesn't sit flush with the cabinets.  So the only dishwasher that would work is this lousy two drawer one that won't bang into the oven.  Soooooo, to get a new dishwasher I would have to replace the oven as well. And after having a double oven, I never want to go back to a single oven, the double oven is just too awesome.  So in other words, the oven I want won't be cheap.  

I'm not sure if any of that made a lick of sense, but whatever...I just want to rant people!

Well, a few weeks ago the dishwasher crapped out (again)...and wanting to save money we thought it best to just repair it.  The repair guy (from Sears) came out and fixed it (at least thought he had).  Turns out it wasn't all the way fixed so I called him out again.  He came and decided he had to order parts this time which will take a week to come in.  He came out a third time once the parts were in and then said he couldn't get the dishwasher out to repair it and that I needed to call up a contractor to get it out and then he'll come and fix it.  What?!  He left and I was standing there in total confusion!  I'm supposed to hire another person now to do what technically he should be able to do?!

So later my dad came over to check it out.  He fiddled with it for a bit and realized that there were two more screws on either side of the dishwasher holding it in place.  They were a massive pain to unscrew because of their weird placements (why they were even there is strange) but my dad was able to get it done.  Bottom line, that repair guy was a lazy ass who didn't want to put forth the effort or the time to figure it out!!  So irritating!!

My dad, never scared of a challenge.

I called Sears to get someone out pronto so I don't have to have my dishwasher hanging out of my cabinets for long.  Of course they gave me the run around and said I would have to wait a week until the next available appointment!  What?  A week!!  I kinda went off on the guy.  It didn't work.  So then I called the repair guy (you know, the lazy one) directly to get him out.  He said he would take care of it and get a better appointment for me and get back to me.  I have yet to hear from him.
Not sure if he's just scared to show his face around here or what since I told him my dad had to do his job for him and that I was pretty ticked off at the situation.  
So now I have a dishwasher sitting all wonky and the repair parts waiting to be put in.  
Anyone want to come over and fix my lame dishwasher?

In other GOOD news....Morgan did not break her nose!  Yay!


  1. Kelly, We used a youtube tutorial to fix our dishwasher (and washing machine and dryer, for that matter). You might search for your dishwasher make and model on youtube, especially if you already have the parts. Rory is not very handy (sorry, it is true) and the tutorials walk you through each step and he has fixed many things for just a few dollars in parts!

  2. My wife and I had a very similar situation, which ended up in us resorting to a new dishwasher all together. Our kitchen was a funny 'L' shape and due to the close proximity of the fridge no repair men were prepared to go anywhere near the back of the dishwasher in case they did something unsavory to the fridge. I hate it when you go into work and are expected to do work!

    Gordon Patton @ Bison Plumbing and Heating Ltd.

  3. We're in a rented property and when we moved in, the landlord said he wouldn't be responsible for the dishwasher. Basically it was on its last legs and soon died, so we cut our losses and bought our own brand new dishwasher. However, I appreciate it's not simple for you with the oven problem complicating things. Sending sympathy to you.

    Wilfred Andrews @ LB Plumbing and Heating

  4. I just cant help but empathise with you on this.I also had a bad case of a spoilt dishwasher that couldn’t be removed for repair. It had to take three grown men to remove it and what a delay it was considering the repair man was not in the area to repair it.We should have manuals left behind to ensure things like this never disrupt us again. It was a good read.

    Levi Eslinger @ Capital Plumbing
