Thursday, July 9, 2015

Fourth of July Weekend

The Friday before fourth of July we took the girls to see Gail Halvorsen, aka, the Candy Bomber fly over Orem.  He was a pilot during the Berlin Airlift and became famous for dropping candy out of his plane from little parachutes for the German children waiting below.  Because there were many planes flying in one after another, he would wiggle the wings of his plane so the children could recognize his plane from the others and get ready to catch the candy.  He's now in his 90's and has done many candy drops throughout the years all over the country and this was going to be his last candy drop right here in Orem!  So I was pretty excited to take the girls!  However, so was the entire state of Utah!!  It was so crowded, and hot and crowded...did I mention it was crowded!!  I'm pretty sure the city of Orem was NOT prepared for that many people to be there.  But we hung in there and saw him!  
 He flew over three times and on the third fly over the candy dropped.  Needless to say most kids walked away empty handed.  As soon as it was over we were out of there...have I mentioned I hate crowds?

 On fourth of July we spent the morning and part of the afternoon at the reservoir.  
I beginning to really enjoy that place!

That evening we had a BBQ at our house.  My uncle was in town so he was able to join us.  And then we walked with our neighbors over to the school grounds to watch the stadium fireworks.  This was the first year I actually bought some little fireworks for the girls while we waited for the stadium ones.  Nothing to crazy, just some sparklers and flowers...but it was a hit with the kids.

Sunday we headed up to Sundace for the afternoon for a little lift ride.
The kids were beat.
These late nights are catching up to them.

This week the girls are back in swim and Ryan is in CA for sales meetings.  I don't know about you, but this summer seems to be flying by.  I wish it would slow down!!

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