Wednesday, July 29, 2015

What I watched while Ryan was away.

Ryan left last week to CO, and I've been holding down the fort while he's away.
It never fails, when he's away, I stay up waaaaaay too late every night.  I'm not sure why that is...I always pay the price the next day, but I just can't help myself.  I get the kids in bed (around 9), then clean up a bit, tool around on the Internet and then finally by the time I sit down to watch some TV it's already past 10!  
Whatcha gonna do, right?  I know...go to bed.  But whatever.

Anyway, I usually take the opportunity while he's away to watch things that I know he wouldn't like.
And this time around I found some real winners on Netflix!  These two movies are two of my favorites and I haven't seen them in years!!

First up:
 A Room with a View.
This movie is very nostalgic for me.  When I was in my early teenage years my girlfriend traveled to Mammoth with me and my family.  We stayed in a condo, and one day while my brothers and dad were out and about my mom had this movie on.  So us three girls hung out and watched it together.  It's a very family friendly movie...except for one scene...which completely comes out of the blue and takes everyone by surprise!  Both Jen (my friend) I, our mouths dropped and we couldn't help but giggle and blush the entire time.  All the while my mom is saying..."Oh my!!  Oh my!  I think the scene is almost over... Oh my!"  It was hilarious!  Don't's not a sex scene or's completely innocent.  But funny none the less!  
You want to see the movie now don't you?!  Well, you's spectacular!  And of course my friend and I were in love with the actor Julian Sands.  But anyway, this was a favorite right next to Anne of Green Gables...these two were always a top pick when having a sleep over with a girlfriend.

And next up:
Strictly Ballroom.
Sadly, I can't remember the first time I saw this movie!  But it's another favorite!
This is your over the top, Australian chick flick.

Both are on Netflix.
I suggest you watch them...preferably when the husband is away...with ice cream.

Happy Wednesday ya'll!


  1. I am pretty sure I was with you (and others) at some sort of training camp the first time I saw Room With a View. I remember that scene! Hahaha.
