Thursday, August 13, 2015

Lake Arrowhead: Days 3 and 4

 There is an attic space above the garage at the cabin and the girls became quite obssessed with it while we were there.  I remember when I was younger I played a couple of times up there too...I set up a little table and pretended it was my office. But then it gets mighty toasty up there during the summer, so I called it quits pretty quick.  But the girls played up there in the mornings before it heated up too bad.  Most of the time they played pretty well...some of the time they fought like crazy driving me bonkers!  I kid you not, girls fight over EVERYTHING!!

 It's a pull down ladder to get up there, I can't help but think about the movie Goonies every I pull it down.

They also set up a table, hung drawings for decoration and always brought up snacks and water.

A few days before we arrived to Lake Arrowhead they had quite a bit of rain so our favorite beaches were closed due to run off...I guess they had high bacteria levels or something.  So anyway, we had to find new beaches to go to for the week!  And luckily we did!

I was able to do a bit of riding too, thanks to grandma for watching the kids!
Ryan and I rode a total of 3 times one week!!!  That is unheard of, we haven't been able to ride that much together since before kids!  It was super fun...except for the climb we had to do in order to get back to the cabin...that hurt like the dickens.

Even rode with the pops too!

You would think with all the riding in hills that I would have dropped a pound or two...not so much though.

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