Friday, August 14, 2015

Lake Arrowhead: Days 5 and 6

It just so happens that Ryan's older brother also has a home in Big Bear (they live in Temecula) and happened to be up there at the same time as us.  So we were pretty excited to spend the day with them since we haven't seen them in a few years.  They have two kids as well, so it was nice to have all the cousins hang out together.  We spent the day boating on Big Bear lake and pulling the kids in the raft.  Now, my girls have never been in a boat (with the exceptions of canoes and kayaks) so this really blew their minds...and the raft!!  Oh my, they were overjoyed!  Even Piper and Rory took part in the raft.

 Oh, and it just so happened to be our 16th wedding anniversary on this day!
Just for the record.

They beached the boat at a really nice spot for the kids to run around and to have lunch.

 Ryan's brother, Richard and his wife, Kelly.  Yes, two Kelly Barretts in the family.

All the cousins!
I just love their kids...they are so polite and kind and even though they are teenagers they didn't mind having all my kids hang on them (my kids adore them and really look up to them too). 

 Our last full day was basically spent just hanging out at the cabin.  We had plans of going on a hike or visiting the lookout tower, but it never happened.  I think we (me and Ryan) kinda liked to have a day to chill.  Ryan and I went for a ride in the morning and then he took the girls out for a walk in the afternoon while I cleaned up and packed. 
Andrew came down from Big Bear to spend the day with my folks and us.
We picked up some pizza and had movie of the evening: Legally Blonde.  A little much for the little ones especially...but I think most of it went over their heads.
It was a nice relaxing evening...perfect.

And that's that!
The next day we were on the road for home.

Happy Weekend ya'll!!

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