Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Birthday Festivities

We had a blast Saturday celebrating Piper's 6th birthday.
The past few years we have always been on a trip during her birthday since it falls right around Spring break.  But this year we were home, so we took full advantage of that!

It's tradition that we wake the birthday girl up by singing "Happy Birthday" and presenting them with some kind of morning treat with a candle.  (That's how it was for me growing up.)  However, when the kids are young it's a delicate balance...you don't want to wake a sleeping child too early, yet you want to catch them before they wake up on their own.  Haley and Morgan have mastered it...they stay in bed until we come up to sing to them whether they're asleep or not.  Ha!  So anyway, Piper beat us to the punch...that stinker came down stairs around 7:00 (which is unheard of for her to get up that early).  So we sent her back up so we could sing to her.

We took all the girls to the city rec. center to swim and play on the slides, which was good fun!
Then it was off to Build-a-Bear...Piper and Rory had never been so it was extra special.

 That evening we celebrated with pizza and a movie.
Her movie of choice...Goonies.
 And then it was cake and presents!

One of Piper's grandma gave her a wooden labyrinth for her birthday...this was quite the hit, especially for us adults!

 We gifted her some roller skates and she pretty much doesn't take them off...ever.
And luckily her other grandma gifted her with knee pads, elbow pads and wrist guards...so now I can relax a little when she skating around.  (Remember I have a slight fear of quad skates...I'm trying to get over it, honest).

Anyway, the whole day was good fun...oh, how we love this girl of ours.
She is always keeping us on our toes.

And by the way...I gave her a hair cut finally!
It didn't turn out too bad if I do say so myself!

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