Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Project Basement

This fall it will be 6 years living in this house.
Since we moved in, our basement (and garage) have been the dumping ground for various things.  There are boxes that we haven't even opened since moving day...or things we tossed in there because, "maybe, we'll find a use for it some day."...or things that we just don't want to deal with, so what do you do...you throw it in the basement.  
Well, the time has come...spring cleaning is in full effect over here.

Welcome to my basement...while I'm in the midst of cleaning.
I know...scary.

 The bags of trash and donations are endless.  It feels so good.
Since Ryan is a rep he has tons and tons of samples, the idea is to give him a proper area to store his work stuff.  This should have happened long ago.  But hey, better late than never!

Lately, the weather has taken a turn, and we've been getting rain everyday, so it's perfect timing to lock myself away in the basement and clean it out.  But it's so easy to get distracted...yesterday I discovered all my old year books...so of course I had to flip through them!  But slowly, but surely, we'll get it done.

And speaking of spring cleaning...our dogs have gotten their yearly groomer visit.
This time I had all their fur shaved off...I love it.  I should have done this long ago!
Especially with all the rain, it's so much easier to wipe them off before they come inside.

Unfortunately, the first two nights after the groomers we have discovered dog barf in the living room.  They definitely don't act sick or anything...they're hyper as usual...so we're not sure what's up with them.  But either way, I don't like cleaning barf first thing in the morning!  So since then, they've been outside at night.  We'll keep an eye on them.

Hope ya'll are having a grand Tuesday!

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