Thursday, April 14, 2016

Spring Break: Zion Part II

After a solid breakfast at the hotel we packed up and drove into Zion again for another full day.
The first thing the girls wanted to do was get their Jr. Ranger pins.  They had finished their booklets the day before and were itching to turn them in.
 Taking the Jr. Ranger Oath.

 Showing off their new earned pins!

 Of course, the day wouldn't be complete without Rory napping at some point.

 We decided to hike to the Emerald pools...another great hike for little kids!
There are three pools: lower, middle and upper.  We knocked out all three!

 Just a side note: Piper forgot her tennis shoes for this trip...hence the reason she's hiking in sandals.
Luckily, they held up great and she hiked like a champ!

 After finishing the hike we relaxed at the Zion Lodge where they have enormous tree surrounded by a huge grassy area for the kids to run around in and play.

And that was that.
I absolutely love Zion!  These picture don't do it justice with how beautiful the scenery is...honest, it's amazing!

The next morning we ate a leisurely breakfast and then headed to the local splash pad for one last swim (and carousel ride) before we started the trip back home.

This trip couldn't have gone any better...we all just had so much fun!

I'm anxious to hit up another National Park this summer!
We've got to the entire Mighty Five: Zion, Arches, (we've done these two) Canyonlands, Bryce and Capital Reef.

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