Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Cyclocross 2016

Another season of cyclocross has come to end.
I decided to just compile a bunch of pictures from all the races...I started to try to get them order, but then that was taking me here they are in no real particular order.

Morgan, Piper and Rory consistently participated in the kid's races.  It's a shorter lap (or two) for all the little ones to get their taste at cross, and they always have fun prizes at the end for them.
(Haley isn't really into cyclocross, so she's kinda MIA in these photos.  I think she prefers having a quiet house all to herself while we're gone, ha!  But for the record she did come to several races to cheer her sisters and dad on.)

 This year Morgan decided to up the challenge, and do the highschool group as well.
30 minutes of hard racing.  I'm super proud of her as I know cross is NOT easy!  But she stuck it out and finished every one that she started!

Ryan would ride with Morgan in the high school race, giving her some encouragement along the way, and then he would race his own race right after.

 A little leaf playing thrown in!

And that's a wrap.
It's was a super fun season!
Until next year!

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