Friday, December 2, 2016

Happy Birthday!!

Yesterday was Rory's 5th birthday!!  I can't believe my youngest is already five!
My parents had been in town but had to leave a couple of days before her birthday, so we threw an impromptu party the night before they headed back home.

This girl had been taking about having a pinata for her birthday since summer, but the days leading up to her birthday she never mentioned it, and I didn't either to be honest.  I figured a pinata in the winter wouldn't work.  But, when we were walking through Target and she saw this Olaf, she was in love!  How could I deny her?!  But it was a win because this was the type of pinata that you pull the strings at the beating required...perfect for indoors!

My brother texted me later in the evening, saying he was bringing over a surprise for Rory.
What do you know, he brought a pinata!! He knows my kids too well!   Except this one you beat...and with frigid temperatures outside and snow on the ground, doing it out doors wasn't going to work.
We improvised!
We all took turns whaling on it...and I'm proud to say, nothing was broken in the process and no one got whacked.

And since her actual birthday was two days later we got to celebrate again with just our little family.
We went out for burgers and ate more cake!

And the day also marked our first fire of the season!
Happy Birthday to our sweet Rory!!
Love you bunches!

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