Monday, February 20, 2017

What I've been reading.

In my quest to simplify my life and do more things I enjoy, I picked up a couple of books the other week.
Like I said before...less phone/computer time, more reading!  My problem though is once I pick up a book I have a tendency to just sit and keep reading all day and throwing everything else to the wind.  So I'm working on giving myself a time's a work in progress.

Rory and I hit up the library for her to grab a few books and also I wanted to pick up "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up".  Unfortunately, they didn't have any on the shelf and I didn't want to deal with the waiting list for it.  So I quickly browsed the shelves for something that sparked my interest and found this:
"The Girl's Guide to Homelessness" by Brianna Karp.
It's about a young woman who loses her job during the recession in 2007 or so.  She tells her experience living in a 30 ft. trailer in the Walmart parking lot and the struggles she went through along the way.  Not too definitely held my interest.

And then back to my mission finding the book I originally went to the library for, I ended up finding it at Target:
Thank you Cheynna for the recommendation!
This is so up my alley!  I'm excited to put all these ideas in motion...unfortunately, it may have to wait until my knee recovers first...but it's going to be good, I can feel it.

I think I'll try to swing by the library again tomorrow to pick up a couple more books, because you know, I'll be sitting around a bit more for the next few weeks...

Any other recommendations?

1 comment:

  1. I am so bummed about your surgery and I hope you are recovering well! Two books that a friend recommended years ago that I couldn't put down: Blackbird and Stillwater, both by Jennifer Lauck. They are her memoirs (read Blackbird first) and it will make you grateful for everyone and everything in your life and she is a great writer. Another favorite of mine is in the "young adult" category, but who cares. You may have read it--Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan. Californian author and I used to read the book to my students. Your girls would love it! Happy reading and recovering.
