Monday, May 22, 2017

Countdown to Summer

This is the final week of school for these kiddos.
I think I'm ready...and I know these kids are ready.  However, I will miss my little quiet moments of each  day...but I will not miss homework, packing lunches, and waking kids up in the mornings.

These past couple of weeks the kids have kept us busy with many end of the year concerts.

First up:  Morgan's Hope Of America program.
I love this program!  It's all the fifth graders in the county that perform several patriotic songs.  It's a big deal and it always impresses me how well they do with such a large amount of kids!  
 It's always good fun!

 Morgan and Campbelle.

 Haley has been involved in  concert choir and ballroom dance this year.
This last semester she moved up into the intermediate class for dance!

So last week we attended three shows: one choir and two dance.  Whew!
She was a busy girl!

For dance her class performed the Cha Cha.
I was so impressed!
She did an amazing job!

Now the countdown begins...four more days and I don't have to say...
"No TV after dinner!"
"Lights out!  Go to bed!!!"
"Homework first!"
"Where is your homework!?"
"No computer!"
"Hurry!!  Eat!!  It's already 8:00!!"
"Find your shoes!!"
"Hang up your backpack!!"
(With or without swearing under my breath.)

Four more days.
Gonna make it, gonna make it, gonna make it....

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