Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Utah State Championships

Morgan has been showing quite a bit of interest in racing on the road as well as a bit of mountain biking.  So with a few rides under her belt so far this season we went ahead and signed her up for the State Championships.  Why not, right? 
She was super excited about it!

Ryan raced as well.
This is turning into a family affair!

 My boys.
Staging for their race.

I was so nervous for my little Morgan!
 There were four other girls racing with her in the 10-12 category.
They had to do 18 miles total.  The race started on Antelope Island which has a long causeway connecting it to the mainland, so the girls had to ride the entire length of that causeway, 7 miles out, 7 miles back.  Then once back on the island they rode 4 more miles up and down some rollers to the finish.  

Let me just add here that this island is known for its massive bug population this time of year.  I knew it may be bad, but I had NO IDEA it was going to be as bad as it was!!  You know you're in trouble when you drive up to the island and all the park employees are dressed in bug nets.  Luckily, I brought bug spray, which protected us a little, but we still all got bites none the less.  Clouds and clouds of bugs surrounded us at all times...it was pretty terrible.
 Trying to take a photo was a fail...the girls were too busy swatting bugs away.

Luckily, the wind picked up, which was good for us (it blew the bugs away) but bad for my little Morgan who out battling against it on a very long road!
 No surprise, her little group shattered.

 Coming in to the finish scoring third place!
She was worked!  But so happy!!  
It was not easy out there, and I am just so proud of her!!

As soon as the results were in the wind picked up more and then rain started coming down.  It was pretty intense!  We were all huddled behind the trailer for cover listening to the results being read and the medals handed out.  Most people just took their awards and left, but these girls wanted the whole experience with the podium!!  The three of them left the cover of the trailer and endured the crazy weather for some pictures...I'm so glad they were game. 

As we drove home Morgan talked about her race the entire drive, all hour and a half of it!  She was so thrilled about her first race and so proud of herself.
I was glad that the weather and bugs didn't scare her off and make her never want to do it again.

But then, one of the things she said to us driving home was how sometimes those uncomfortable or scary moments make the best adventures and memories.

Words to remember.


  1. Ah, I just love this. You should be one proud mama!! Seeing her photo brings back so many fond memories as we all had so much fun racing together when we were kids.

  2. I thought the same thing Cheynna!
