Monday, July 31, 2017

Morgan turns 11!

 This year Morgan chose to celebrate her birthday at Color Me Mine.  She brought her bestie Campbelle and grandma and grandpa joined us as well.  She had been looking forward to this outing for months!

After we painted our pottery we headed back to the house to celebrate with a BBQ!

This year her gifts included a Ranger vest, her very first pocket knife, a book "The Outdoorsman Manual", and a little bike computer.

She picked out her cake and it had to have her name written all in caps, with green frosting (her favorite color) and with an exclamation point.  Love it!

What a fun day!!

Morgan loves the outdoors, camping, hunting and fishing...her favorite shows are Mountain Men and Meat Eater.  She also loves watching any animal show or reading animal books and is full of little facts.  She also loves graphic novels.  She is a fantastic shopping companion...she never complains and she is happy as a clam in any store whether it's Costco, a department store, Cabella's or Ikea.  She is full of life and super active...she's a night owl and loves to sleep in.  She's also my cuddler.  She loves to ride bikes in the summer and ski in the winter...and she's got a bit of a competitive streak as well.  

She brings so much joy to this family and we sure do love her!!

Happy Birthday Morgan!!

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