Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Summer Road Trip: Part III

We dedicated another day to Astoria.
Our first stop was the visitor center.  They were so helpful and friendly!  They gave us a map of the area and told us some hot spots we needed to check out!  Our first stop was the Astoria Column.
 It stands atop Coxcomb hill and was built in 1926.  The outside of the column is entirely covered with a spiral mural dedicated to the events and people who settled the area, including Captain Grey and Lewis and Clark.  There is a spiral staircase (with 164 steps) to the top where you can lookout from.

The views from the top:
The Columbia River. 
The other side of the bridge (highway 101) is Washington.

 Youngs River.
And I'm pretty sure (although it didn't come out in photos) you can see Mt. Rainier and Mt. Hood from the lookout.  Pretty cool!

 We had our picnic lunch under the column and then headed out for a hike that started right next to the column and led down through the woods to Cathedral Tree.

 Oregon has the biggest slugs!  And they are everywhere!
We had to oooooh and aaaaaah over every one.  Some local hikers saw us doing just that over one particular slug and chuckled at us.  I guess they are pretty used to seeing them in their yards on a daily basis.
But seriously, they're huge!

 Cathedral Tree!

So since we were in Astoria we HAD to find the Goonie house after our hike.
Unfortunately, they have it pretty much like Fort Knox around there...and believe me, we weren't the only only ones there trying to get a peek!  I wouldn't be able to stand living near the Goonie house!!  They must have a ongoing line of traffic at all times around there.  And we were there on a Friday...what's it like on a Saturday I wonder.
 This is the sign they have posted at the entrance of their street.
We decided we probably shouldn't go any further...sad face.

 This is the best I could get of the Goonie house.
Not too shabby.

 They did have the jail, now a museum and the Jeep Cherokee from the movie.

 Complete with the bullet holes!

After Astoria we headed back south to the town of Seaside.
 The girls didn't hesitate to get their suits on and jump in!

 There were crabs everywhere at this a wave would go back out there would be a few crabs on the sand every time.  And Haley (who went way out) said they would crawl on her legs!  Yikes!!
Morgan's goal was to catch one...which she did eventually.  She's smiling in the picture, but it really freaked her out to hold it, ha!

After the beach we walked through the little main street and found a place to grab some dinner before heading back to our campsite.
Pretty full day indeed!

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